Thursday, April 25, 2013

Psychology attracts.

Why knew? I appear, start doing these sessions and people start appearing in that small box called "Followers"...Well I am attractive, that's one thing.

Aight, lets get the bad news out of the way, I fear Incogny may not be coming back, granted 4 days haven't passed yet, but if someone who I think it is, is involved in this, then we may never see our friend, which makes me quite sad, but then again, you can't put that old dog down that easily.

Oh well, onto the analysis.

Patient #4:

Name: Med a.k.a. Mad Scientist.

My Thoughts: A scientist, a curious scientist, her curiosity, can be her strength but at the same time her downfall. Overlooks small details, rarely thinks of a back up plan for her back up plan. Deep personal trauma (So Cliche) obviously is present, that trauma makes her so curious and...sciency? So I'm coming up with words now, why not. Any significant danger? None at all. Has shown the cases of mental break down and disorder like, getting drunk for no reason and the new case of symbolic dreams. Is afraid of death, although does not show it.

Side note: Can not hold her alcohol (Pfft).

Chances of Survival: The risks are jumpy with this one, they are either high, or low. Obviously the girl mostly runs on luck, for example her latest experiment almost killed her, why? No back up plan, in case the experiment went Bow Chicka Wow Wow (NOW ITS A MEDICAL TERM! DIG IT!).

Man I just love Incognito even more, first he escapes from her dream and then he resists her mind control, why have I never red up on his blog!? Oh yeah, probably cause my eye would hurt.

- Dr. Kelevra P.H.D. in Ass kicking!


  1. Your eye? So you lack depth perception? I shall bear that one in mind. (Not that it would do any good while I helplessly beat at whatever you would throw at me with my frail little fists. But my elbows are sharp as bayonets, ya wanker!)

    Who is this "her" you keep referring to?


      Why is it too early? Why can't you just tell us now if you were gonna tell us at some point?

      Ach, knowledge truly is power, at least over people like me who are inquisitive as fuck.

    2. Twas why I call you my Little Curious Minx.

    3. Creepy. I mean the nickname itself is kind of cool and accurate, but the "my" bit, that creeps me out.

      And in case you hadn't seen it, police have helicopters. Therefore, pigs fly. Checkmate, bruv. Email it if you don't wanna clog up your comment section.

    4. You are so fucking mean.

      Name: Kelevra [fathers name?]ovich Dragunov

      Diagnosis: Batshit insane and REALLY FUCKING MEAN.

      Chances of Survival: Incognito is out to kill you so I would put it at maybe -0.88.

    5. No, Sanna. Remember, his name is Shirley Montgomery Finkleburg.

    6. Oh hi.....Billy?

      The Third, you keep forgetting that, Shirley Montgomery Finkleburg The Third.

    7. *Shirley Montgomery Finkleberg III.

      Damn, Rose gets more nicknames than me.

    8. And I hate each and every one of them. Sanna, you are lucky. But Shirley's never threatened me with necrophilia.

      I got the better part of the deal, methinks.

    9. True, haha.

      There are worse, more destructive things that could happen to me, I guess. Thankfully necrophilia is the only one Kelevra plans to facilitate, and I'll (hopefully) be dead so I won't, you know, know about it. Although the idea makes my gut churn like a motherfricker.

    10. A Rose? Where? I love Roses, Especially the pointy ones.

    11. I like roses too. Who knew Kelevra was into gardening.

    12. ...I really shouldn't have said that.

      Shirley, you didn't need to take the bait.

      And I see any sign of your hideous face, I WILL let my inner demon out. I highly doubt you'd be able to harm her.

    13. I believe Morningstar summed you up perfectly and accurately with one word, George, the word was "Brat".

      "Uuuh inner demon, aaaaah! Run! She will have a dream about kicking my ass, I'm so scared!" Hee Hee Hee.

    14. Now I'm worried proxies see me as a brat...

      HA, no I fuckin ain't. I am/was one of the good girls at school, for fuck's sake.

    15. "Good" huh? Oh that's good, I will be addressing that in the next post.

    16. What do you mean, addressing what that's good in your next post??

      I am good, sure I swear a lot, but I'm as peaceful as a snowflake.

      My point was, I'm pretty sure Rose doesn't care if you see her as a brat.

    17. Oh my GOD. You think those pathetic insults will affect me?! Kelevra, you are absolutely WORTHLESS compared to me!

      This pathetic girl is correct. If we met, you would not be able to touch me. I would remove your head from your shoulders before you had time to scream.

      If this girl calls herself Rose...I wonder...

    18. The fact that you put "GOD" and "WORTHLESS" in all caps, makes me indeed think, that I did strike a nerve.

      Oh well shit, I'm scared "I'm a second personality, demon thingie, that will burst out and kill you ooga booga booga" Pah-lease somebody stop her, she's killing me over here.

      Where do you see roses? I don't get it.

    19. @Obnoxious-ass inner demon of Rose's: You should call yourself Thorn, haha.

      I hope Incognito and Vikady survive to read all this. This is all hilarious.

    20. My dear child...I am not a personality. I am something else entirely, as you shall soon see.

      Sir, you are the epitome of folly and hubris. That will get you into trouble one day.

      If you must know more about me, then perhaps you should check dear Rose'

  2. Ooh ooh do Alicia! Analyse her! I'd love to see it. I could point out the things that are correct! And those that aren't.


    1. I was actually planning on doing her next, don't worry Shine, you'll get a giggle out of it.

  3. Aww. None for me yet?

    You make me cry.


  4. Interesting and accurate. You could make a career of this.

  5. Who would teach a phd in asskicking?


    1. Awesome Russians would. :D

    2. Wouldn't that be a vocational course anyway?
      By the way Kelevtov, you should definitely start your own blog and just keep doing psychiatry. Gives me the lols.

    3. And his random twisted thoughts. They brighten my day ever so much. And a biography, like David Beckham style. I would deffo buy that.

    4. I'd only buy that if Kelevtov included a dummy's guide to arsekicking. He should know, he's got a PHD in it!
