Friday, April 19, 2013


Report #75 2013, April 19th.

Spent all night and morning reading up on Fears, their servants and my previous encounters with that judgment in my older posts. Also spent the morning reviewing the videos.

The one who made these videos knows my and Vikady's personal life, in fact this person knows how we think, he knows what rules we follow and he knows what our next moves will be. I think that impostor is The Judgment, The Eye's servant, this is something new for this Fear, since it was never noted that The Eye could make a copy of another person. Why do I assume that this is a Judgment?

Reviewing on my previous encounters with The Judgment, when we fought, the guy knew military combat, in fact he used the moves, I usually use in a fight, coincidence? I don't think so. He was also able to predict my every move, so yeah.

Later this Judgment starts his mind games and starts dressing up exactly like me, he was playing mind games. And later he started sending those video messages, showing that the creator of those videos knows a lot of things about me and Vikady. And who's better to know about your personal life, than yourself.

Main question is, how do I beat myself? The Judgment has my knowledge and memories, he knows my thinking process and he will surely counter them. How do I prepare for someone, who knows what I'm going to prepare. Some of you might suggest, do something unexpected, but thats the thing, I have been doing unexpected things in order to survive this whole time, so this Judgment will see it coming.

I am sure that Vikady is alive, this Judgment is using him as bait, for me. I should just abandon Vikady and leave, but that will only result in him killing Vikady and then following me. I need to take care of this Judgment for good, otherwise he won't let me rest.

Received an e-mail later today, apparently The Judgment, told me where he was and where he was holding Vikady, if I want to save the bastard, I need to come there. He didn't give a specific date, so I guess he will be at that location for as long as he needs to, he wants me to take my time. Bastard knows if I just get out, it won't do anything for me.

He knows I will come, damn it.

Report #75 Ended.


  1. Unexpected is good. But since he will see that coming..

    If your old tricks don't work. Learn new ones.
    Something you normally wouldn't learn. But still effective. Don't say what though, you know in case he reads this, which he probably will.

    That's all I can think of. Do some research and learn a new skill or two. One that he won't see coming. I hope this helps. <3

    1. Good suggestion, considered that, it has to be something "Out of the ordinary".


      - Mr. Incognito.

  2. Well, you know yourself sir. I second Alicia's suggestion.

    Think of the things you rely on. And then take them out of his equation. If I had to guess, you rely on your senses, most people do. So you could blind the guy by chucking bleach on his face or something. If you rely on weaponry, toss water on whatever gun he has so it won't work.

    And maybe it works both ways sir. You know what you would do, why can't you use that to counter it?

    1. Problem is, if he is anything like me, then he will know that I am trying to think of an unusual way to beat him.

      This is confusing, but I think I have a plan, a shitty one, but it's a plan.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    2. Glad you have a plan. Just thinking about the paradox made my brains go from shit to diarrhoea.

      By the way, any idea why he's after you? If you spent all night and morning researching (seriously sir get some sleep, even if you have to put your pillow on a gun turret pointing at the door or whatever it is you do) then I guess it's not because you knew about it or anything.

    3. Remember the first video? "I am here to fix those mistakes"? I have a nagging feeling, that he is here to replace me, apparently, the only difference we have, is morals.

      - Mr. Incognito.

  3. You should probably send someone else out to finish this one...or you know, not go. Vikady seems like scum to me.

    If neither of those appeal to you, I suppose you could bring Slenderman along for the ride. After all, he called dibs. He wants you dead by his hand, and why not give it to him. It'd probably work better than trying to think out of your own box. Plus even if Judgement did somehow realize you were going to do that, it's not like he could do anything. And if I had a nutty evil doppleganger, I would feed it to Slenderman. Just some food for thought. ((See what I did there?))

    1. I need Vikady because with him my chances of survival heighten, on top of all that, he can take me out the instant I start going crazy, if I ever will that is.

      When I turn, I want for someone to be there, prepared to put a bullet trough my head, in case I myself fail to do that, and Vikady is the perfect candidate for the job. I don't want to hurt any innocent people.

      I would gladly let IT, kill The Judgment, the problem is, I don't have reassurance that IT won't go for me instantly. You said it yourself, IT wants my death by IT's hand. Not to mention that I have no idea on how to summon IT, or whatever.

      But I'm in total agreement with you, and I would take this course of action if my chances of survival wouldn't change, but they will change if I abandon that fuck. So it isn't really an option.

      Still thanks, glad to hear that you're still with us.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    2. When you turn.

      Well with an attitude like that why not just shoot yourself now?

      For the love of god my friend, do not become one of those people who say shit like, "there is no other way then this one way."

      I may actually punch you.

    3. I can not ignore the fact that anyone can turn. We have to take into possibility every single turn of events, and when that happens, I simply want to be ready, I want to have a plan, like I always do.

      I am not giving up, or lying down, I am simply taking into consideration that, I am only human, no different from anyone else and any of us can break at any minute.

      I simply always have a plan.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    4. No see you don't do that.

      You do not dwell on the ifs. As someone who is very aware of her mortality and the fact her days are numbered, I can tell you right now that I have decided not to die until I kill Slenderman, and I know I'm not going to die until I get the job done.

      There's a psychological element to this. You stand up and you refuse to let anything happen to you or the people around you.

    5. I will fight until my body stops moving, that I assure you of.

      I will die even if I do survive this, my life has been sealed even before IT started following me. My sole purpose is to kill those who hurt the innocent, IT falls into that category perfectly.

      But my top priority is to protect and help the innocent, and if I become a danger to that priority, there is only one solution.

      We don't know how the "turning" process goes, maybe it is not based on psychology, maybe it is based on a completely different factor. That is the problem, we don't know, and I want to be prepared, and that is the only way to prepare for it, until we find a different way.

      - Mr. Incognito.
